
How I Stay Inspired- FAQ

Im often asked how I stay inspired and motivated while running a blog or just in general and my answer is simply through experiences, social media, and other peoples success. 


One experience that has allowed me to stay inspired and motivated was my internship with Nickelodeon last Summer. I truly value the culture that Nickelodeon has taken great care in creating and becoming exposed to the world of entertainment so early on has allowed me to embrace my true passion for the industry. I was able to meet with at least one person from each department, listening to their stories and how they got to where they are at and i am forever grateful for the time I was given with them. Anyways, after that long tangent, my point is learning about others and gaining perspective truly helps me to stay inspired. 

Social Media platforms constantly inspire me. The fact that we all have the ability to express ourselves any way shape or form through a platform is so incredible. I LOVE being able to scroll on Instagram and see a photo I really love and save it for later when I need an idea. Pinterest is literally my best friend. If i'm ever in need of some new photo ideas, recipes, outfits, words of wisdom, its browsing through boards. I am ALWAYS looking for new ideas or projects I can start and my first step is to always scroll on all of my feeds.

I am constantly keeping up with my favorite bloggers/ friends lives and staying aware of their accomplishments. My best friend Rachael works her ass off and just scored an amazing job. These are the things in life that push me and make me want to go the extra mile. 


quotes i love

"Our lives our defined by opportunities, even the ones we missed"

"Tomorrow could be the someday you've been waiting for"

"Im not perfect, but Im always myself"

"Be somebody nobody thought you could be"

"Progress looks like a bunch of failures"