Why I Stopped Blogging for a few Months

Sometimes you just need a break from it all.

The last few months have been especially different, difficult and trying for me.

As most of you know, I graduated in May from Arizona State University, so yes I have entered post grad life and it's exactly how they tell you its going to be, confusing. It's like you don't know what stage you are at in your life. Its the awkward in-between time where you're supposed to be relaxing and celebrating finishing four years of college but you're low key panicking about your future and whats to come. 

During these past few months, I had no desire or motivation for anything that I love to do ( like writing on my blog) and if you know me, that is very unusual. I felt stuck. Here in front of me I had a list of blog posts I wanted to write, but I couldn't get myself to do it. I did the only thing I could do which was take a break from it all. I had to revamp. 

You're probably wondering what I did instead, and that was travel. I went to 7 places. Cabo, London, Paris, Dublin, Boston, Laguna, and Newport. All I can say is that I'm thankful to have had the opportunity to travel to all of these amazing places this Summer. Sometimes all it takes is site seeing, dancing in pubs with strangers, eating good food, strengthening relationships, and making endless memories in order to gain perspective and make the most of the time you have on this planet. 

Now that I am back home, staring at this list of blog posts, I decide to delete it, start fresh and write as I get back into the swing of things and take full control of everything in my life. Okay maybe not full control cuz I'm slowly learning that I don't have full control of EVERYTHING in my life but you know what I mean. 

Maybe one or more of you can relate to this, I hope so. BUT just know that the spark fades sometimes and thats okay. You can and will get it back. 

I'm as motivated as ever and Im excited for you all to follow along and see whats to come.

Thanks for reading.





"you will be exactly as happy as you decide to be"